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Holy Land & Jordan

Holy Land & Jordan


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Day 1: Coastal Tel Aviv

Welcome to Israel and the start of your adventure. You will be met at Ben Gurion Airport and transferred to our start hotel. Spend the rest of the day at leisure in Tel Aviv.

Day 2: Masada & Dead Sea

Leaving Tel Aviv, we drive past the coastal cities of Ashdod and Ashkelon on our way to Beersheba, the capital of the Negev Desert. After a short visit, we continue east to Masada and take a cable car to the UNESCO-listed fortress which was the last stronghold of the Jewish Zealots in their war against the Romans. Here we explore the excavations, synagogue, bathhouse and Herod's palaces, as well as admire breathtaking views of the Roman camps and the Dead Sea. We then descend to those salty waters at the Dead Sea for a 'float' before travelling to Jerusalem.


Day 3: Bethlehem

Our first stop this morning is the famous Dead Sea scrolls at Israel Museum's Shrine of the Book. We then continue to the Model of the Herodian city of Jerusalem and the Yad Vashem memorial, which commemorates the 6 million Jews who lost their lives during the Holocaust. This afternoon, we see the birth place of John the Baptist, Ein Karem before we journey to our final stop - Bethlehem to see the Holy Church of Nativity and Manger Square before returning to Jerusalem.


Day 4: Jerusalem City Tour

Today we further explore Jerusalem, entering the walled Old City through one of the imposing gates, here we’ll explore the Western Wall and walk the way of the Cross, the Via Dolorosa, Calvary before ending at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. We then drive to Mount Zion and visit King David's tomb, Dormition Abbey and the Room of the Last Supper before enjoying spectacular panoramic views of Jerusalem. The afternoon finds us exploring the Garden of Gethsemane, where Judas betrayed Jesus. We then head downtown to experience the colours and aromas of Mahane Yehuda, Israel's largest open market before retiring to our hotel.



Day 5: Beit Shean & Safed

Leaving Jerusalem, our drive north takes us past Jericho, the oldest city in the world, and through the Jordan Valley to Beit Shean. Here we explore the excavations of this beautifully preserved Roman city before continuing to Nazareth to visit the Church of the Annunciation and the city’s Christian Holy sites. Our journey continues to Safed, which since the 16th century has been considered one of Judaism’s four holy cities due to it being the centre of Kabbalah. Here we’ll see a synagogue and the artists' colony before finishing our day in Tiberias.



Day 6: Golan Heights & Capernaum

This morning we drive to the rocky plateau known as the Golan Heights to visit Druze villages and Banias, the source of the Jordan River. We then enjoy an Israeli wine country experience, with a tour, wine tastings and breathtaking views over the surrounding vineyards. The afternoon finds us descending along the shores of the Sea of Galilee to Capernaum, where we explore the ruins of the ancient synagogue, before visiting Tiberias, the old centre of Jewish learning. The scenery around the Sea of Galilee has barely changed over the last 2,000 years and there is the option of a sailing across its tranquil waters (book and pay locally). Jerusalem - Beit Shean (via West bank) - Safed - Tiberias. Leaving Jerusalem, our drive north takes us past Jericho, the oldest city in the world, and through the Jordan Valley to Beit Shean. Here we explore the excavations of this beautifully preserved Roman city before continuing to Nazareth to visit the Church of the Annunciation and the city’s Christian Holy sites. Our journey continues to Safed, which since the 16th century has been considered one of Judaism’s four holy cities due to it being the centre of Kabbalah. Here we’ll see a synagogue and the artists' colony before finishing our day in Tiberias.



Day 7: Acre, Haifa & Caesarea

After breakfast we travel west and to the famous Crusader stronghold and medieval fortifications of Acre. After some time exploring, we continue to Haifa for a panoramic tour of the city, passing sights such as Mount Carmel, Haifa Bay, the Persian Garden and Bahai Shrine. Next, we head along the coast to Caesarea where we visit the Roman Theatre and Crusader Fortress. We end our day with a short city tour of Tel Aviv and Jaffa, a beautiful port town believed to be around 4,000 years old.


Day 8: Jerash & Amman

Today we leave Israel and cross the border into Jordan. Our first stop is Jerash, the city of the Decapolis, which is located in the fertile heights around 45km north of Amman. We take some time to explore its colonnaded streets, baths and hilltop temple before driving to the Jordanian capital Amman for a fascinating city tour.



Day 9: Rose city of Petra

After an early breakfast we travel south, reaching the rose city of Petra. You'll have the option to ride on horseback to the Siq, a canyon marking the entrance to Petra. We continue on foot and explore all that this ancient capital has to offer, including the Treasury, El Khazneh, obelisks and the field of tombs. From the Al Madhbah viewpoint we marvel at this lost city and its incredible lunar-like landscape.


Day 10: Madaba & Mount Nebo

On our final day of sightseeing, we travel to Madaba to see the ancient mosaic map of the Holy Land. We also have time to explore several ruins before our short drive to Mount Nebo. It's from this mountain that Moses viewed the Promised Land and the stunning views stretch from the Jordan Valley to Jericho and the Dead Sea. We then continue to the remains of a Byzantine church with a beautiful mosaic floor before crossing the border back into Israel for our final night in Tel Aviv.


Day 11: Tel Aviv

Our tour comes to an end after breakfast today. A transfer to the Ben Gurion Airport to meet your flight home.